Often a film is remembered precisely for its musical component. But it can be difficult to find the desired song or melody after watching it. in the movies, the title of compositions is not always written even in the credits.

You can find your favorite song in different ways. You can simply find data about a movie on the official website or on websites that specialize in collecting information about cinema, for example, on Kinopoisk. On the page about the film, you can find a list of songs and melodies that sounded in the film. Also, such information is posted on Wikipedia in an article dedicated to a particular motion picture.
If there is no list of soundtracks on the Internet pages with information about the film, you can try to find them separately. In any search engine, enter the name of the film and "OST", for example, "Doctor Who OST". The search results should show melodies and songs that are listed as the official soundtracks of this movie or cartoon. Most often, by clicking on the links provided by the search engine, on the page you can find the entire list with links to download melodies.
The most effective way to find music from a movie is to search with the above parameters in large "banks" of music. In the CIS countries, the site with free access to the largest amount of music is the Vkontakte social network. Almost everyone has an account in contact, so access problems are unlikely to arise. Enter the already familiar search parameters into the audio search. Unlike the previous methods, a search in VKontakte gives several times more results, moreover, you can listen to them right away.
You can download a song from VKontakte in one of the following ways. Install the FlashGot add-on for FireFox (then just play the melody and click on the "film with a lightning" icon that appears - the file will be downloaded to your hard drive, you can also download an online video), find a special program to download songs directly from this site, find add-ons similar to FlashGot for other browsers.