How To Win A Vote In

How To Win A Vote In
How To Win A Vote In

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Conducting various contests on the Internet has become commonplace. Voting for the girl of the month, the best couple or a craft - all this is actively used on forums and social networks. Participants in such contests strive to win, and it will not be difficult to get it.

How to win a vote
How to win a vote


Step 1

Tell as many people as possible about the competition and your participation in it. Tell your friends and acquaintances about this, spread the link to the page with him on social networks and on the forums. The more your friends know about the competition, the more chances of winning it.

Step 2

Encourage people to vote for you. Social networks with hundreds of added friends in your friend feed will help you win any competition. Post on your wall a request to vote for you in the competition, leave a link and do not forget to thank those who respond. Also ask to retweet - place your message on your page. So not only your friends, but also friends of friends will find out about your participation. Use the sites Vkontakte, Twitter, Odnoklassniki and other resources where people spend many hours a day and, having nothing to do, will gladly click on the link you need.

Step 3

Submit information about participation in the competition on the forums where you often flash. Internet acquaintances often hand over to each other, and if you have been spotted on the forum for several months, then it will not be difficult for the rest of its members to click on the link and vote for you.

Step 4

Do not use the services of scammers. Today there are many announcements for help in voting. You are asked to transfer a certain amount via Yandex money or any other payment system. After that, as a rule, nothing happens. You are wasting money and time persuading your acquaintances to vote for you.

Step 5

Use a robot to cheat votes. There are special programs that are able to "tweak" votes for the desired candidate on any site. But keep in mind that to use such programs, you need at least a little knowledge of programming. Unskillful attempts to use "cheaters" can lead to problems in the operation of the site, which will definitely indicate you. After that, participation in the competition will most likely end for you.
