The inscriptions and drawings on the walls have existed for a long time, they were created by our ancestors. Let your imagination go, learn to draw your thoughts on the virtual VKontakte wall.

Account in the social network "VKontakte"
Step 1
Three-dimensional images, various signs are used for graffiti. Drawings on city walls are multi-layered, to create them you need to be a real master. Try your hand at a social network. Pictures from VKontakte are also called "graffiti" and there is a wall for them, only virtual.
Step 2
Decide on the subject of the drawing, make a sketch on paper. Come up with your virtual signature, let them recognize you. Develop your own style.
Step 3
Explore several methods common on the social network. Start simple, then work hard. One of the simplest is the application "Roses on the wall to a friend". Open your page, find the item "applications", open the directory in which it is located. Upload to your page and use.
Step 4
There are many applications for creating graffiti on the social network. Pay attention to "Live Graffiti". Before creating a rose to send to a friend, you have to practice. Experience in the standard "Paint" program will come in handy here.
Step 5
Download Virite. With this program, you can easily create masterpieces. Start it using the keyboard shortcuts ctrl + shift + 1. The program runs in the background of the browser. Select a bouquet of roses, circle it, use the Living Graffiti drawing tools. Feel free to send to a friend on the wall.
Step 6
Use symbols. Drawings made with signs, letters, symbols can be found on user pages. Copy the finished ones using the corresponding sites, but it's more interesting to draw a picture yourself.
Step 7
The technique of drawing with symbols is diverse in style, but is based on several rules and basic techniques. Contour the flower using hyphens, brackets, periods, and other punctuation marks. Smooth the contour, fill the background with letters and numbers.