How To Make Chain Mail In Minecraft

How To Make Chain Mail In Minecraft
How To Make Chain Mail In Minecraft

There are many types of armor in Minecraft. Most of them can be made by yourself, but this does not apply to chain mail. It can be bought from villagers, removed from skeletons and zombies, or obtained using cheat codes.

How to make chain mail in minecraft
How to make chain mail in minecraft

How to buy chain mail?

Trading with a blacksmith in a nearby village is the easiest way to get chain mail if you have enough emeralds. These rare stones can be obtained with an iron or diamond pick from emerald ore, which is found in small veins exclusively in the mountain biome. Unfortunately, it is impossible to say exactly how many emeralds the blacksmith will want from you for chain mail armor, therefore, when going in search of the village, take with you all the stones you have.

Villages can be found in plains, savannas, or in the desert. These are natural structures that are quite common in the game world. Once you have found a suitable type of terrain, start moving from its edges to the middle in a converging spiral, so you are guaranteed not to miss the village.

If the power of the computer allows, adjust the maximum visual range. In this case, you can periodically build high pillars from the ground and inspect the surrounding space from their surface. Having found the village, go to the blacksmith, he can be distinguished by his black apron. To start trading with it, right-click. You will see what exactly he is selling and for how much. If he has mail armor, and you have enough emeralds, the deal will take place.

other methods

Emerald ore is very rare, so not every player accumulates at least a certain amount of emeralds. A more dangerous but cheaper way to get chain armor is to remove it from a zombie or skeleton. With some probability, these monsters appear dressed in different armor. If you find a treasury with a spawn (block of creation) of these monsters, arm yourself with a good sword or bow, put on armor and destroy all monsters until you get chain armor. This is a rather long way that requires a fair amount of skill, but thanks to it you can get quite a lot of experience, which can then be easily used to enchant things.

Formally, chain mail can be created on a workbench according to the usual armor scheme, the problem is that this must be done from blocks of fire that cannot be obtained by game methods. If cheat codes are allowed in the world in which you are playing, you can get blocks of fire using the command / give player 51 24. To bring up the console, just press the T key.

Please note that if, when generating the world, you did not tick the box "allow the use of cheat codes", the last method will be inaccessible to you.
