How To Find Out The Debt For The Internet

How To Find Out The Debt For The Internet
How To Find Out The Debt For The Internet

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Internet connection has now become very important for users. After all, with the help of the Internet, you can not only work, play, have fun in your free time, communicate, but also make purchases and pay bills. We can say with complete confidence: "Without the Internet - as without hands!" Therefore, you need to monitor the positive balance of your personal account.

How to find out the debt for the Internet
How to find out the debt for the Internet


  • - telephone;
  • - subscriber department;
  • - payment terminal.


Step 1

You can find out the debt for the Internet by calling the provider through which you connected. Usually, the reference phone number is indicated in the service agreement that you entered into with the provider. Find a contract and look at the phone number in it. Most often, phone numbers are located at the end, in requisites or in contact information.

Step 2

If the phone number is not specified in the contract, then go to the provider's website on your computer to your personal account (this function should work even without an Internet connection), the phone number of the support service should be indicated there. If this function is not available or there is no access to the computer, then call the city help desk and find out the provider's phone number. Then call the proposed number, there you should be told exactly where to call back to find out the status of your personal account. Have a contract number ready to dictate when requesting a debt.

Step 3

You can also come to the subscriber department of the provider and, calling the contract number and the name of the person to whom the service is registered, find out the debt.

Step 4

If you have a replenishment terminal within walking distance, you can try to put a certain amount on your account, then after a while check your Internet connection. If the Internet is not connected, then the amount on the account is not enough, you need to make an additional payment. Thus, add money to the account until the moment when the Internet is connected. Just keep in mind that payments of this kind can be very late.
