Moving a site from one hosting to another is a rather complicated process and can entail negative consequences, first of all - a decrease in positions in the search engine results, which means a decrease in traffic. That is why, before choosing a hosting provider, you need to study all the proposals, take into account all the positive and negative aspects. What should you pay special attention to?

Which provider to choose: Russian or foreign?
This is one of the most important questions. If we take into account the latest changes in legislation (for more details, see the article "Disconnecting the Internet in 2019"), then the answer suggests itself: it is better to host the site on Russian hosting. It should be noted that the Russian segment of the World Wide Web has been rapidly developing in recent years; in Russia there is a sufficient number of providers who provide their services at the highest level, ensuring the availability of sites from anywhere in the world.
Stability of work
The availability of your site depends on how stable and reliable the hosting equipment works. The visitor is not too interested in why there is no access to the requested page - he will simply go to another resource offered by the search engine. And you will lose a visitor, a potential client who could become a permanent one.
How do you know how reliable your hosting is? There are enough pages on the web that reflect the rating of the providers currently operating; as a rule, all the pros and cons are indicated there, there are user reviews and other similar information.
Fast technical support
Preference should be given to hosting with round-the-clock technical support that can quickly and professionally solve your problem. This can be communication with the operator by phone and / or chat; the second option is preferable, since chat usually allows you to transfer attachments for more detailed study, which contributes to faster elimination of the error.
Flexible tariff plans
After registration, you will be asked to choose one of the tariff plans. Each tariff has its own parameters that must be selected in accordance with your requirements:
- the allowed number of sites to be hosted;
- the allocated amount of disk space;
- allowed number of domains and subdomains;
- cost;
- permitted CP load per day.
As an added bonus, automatic CMS installation, automatic backups, the ability to manage DNS records, automatic SSL installation (including free) and much more are highly welcomed.
In most cases, to host the first site, it is enough to choose one of the simplest plans, and in the future (if necessary) either change the tariff or expand the provided parameters (depending on the provider).
Domain name registration
This is not a determining factor, but it will be very convenient if the provider is also a registrar. In this case, you just need to select the appropriate section in the control panel, register a domain and attach it to the site.
It is worth asking if the registrar provides documentary evidence (electronically or by mail on paper).
Own hosting control panel
As the name implies, this is the main page of your account, which contains everything you need to work: a file manager, sections for managing sites, domains, database, DNS, payment and other services. It also reflects various characteristics and diagrams of server load.
The presence of such a panel will allow you to work comfortably with all the services provided.
File manager with built-in text editor
Most often, files are uploaded to the site via FTP, but if the hosting has a special file manager with a built-in editor, this greatly simplifies uploading new files and working with existing ones. Typically, such a manager displays in one window two trees of files and directories at once - your computer and hosting (your allocated disk space). You just need to drag and drop the selected file and it will be automatically loaded.
Method of payment for services
Explore all the possible payment options, what benefits are provided (for example, price reductions when paying immediately for a year), are there any additional services ("Common payment", etc.). It will not be superfluous to clarify how quickly money is credited to the balance and how it is debited: daily, once a month, or something else.
Account security
Find out what technical solutions are available to protect access to your account. For example, the presence of fixing the IP address from which you will log in. Please note that when using this function, an additional service connection from an Internet provider is required.
reference Information
The availability of technical information will facilitate the solution of many issues that arise when using the hosting, will help to set the settings and eliminate errors.