Ping is the time it takes for information to cover the distance from one user to another. The ping value can be increased by such factors as latency in the user's PC, on the provider's server, in trunk lines, etc.

Ping is the time with which information travels from the user's computer to the server and back or to another user's computer. Ping is in some way related to internet speed: the lower the speed, the higher the ping.
What is the risk of a large ping
The ping value affects the quality of real-time communication. This is especially true when using unlimited mobile communications or the video conferencing option. Communication on the air assumes the immediate dissemination of information from the interlocutor to the interlocutor, preliminary buffering in this case is impossible. If the ping reaches a high value, noticeable delays appear, the sound may "stutter" and even disappear for a while.
What affects the overall signal propagation delay
1. Latency in the user's computer. Most often this happens when the processor is heavily loaded and the amount of RAM is insufficient. That is, if a user checks files with an antivirus during a conversation, downloads something from the Internet or searches in a large number of open browser windows, the flow of information from a video camera or microphone may be interrupted.
2. Latency on the provider's server. Cheap hosting can lead to similar problems as well. If a provider uses outdated equipment, it may not have time to process information packets, resulting in additional latency.
3. The server that processes the information. Not all servers are capable of quickly handling the significant weight of a video image.
4. Trunk lines. All information on the network is transmitted over fiber optic cables or over the air at very high speeds. In these channels, the signal moves at the speed of light, which is lower than the speed of light in a vacuum. Moreover, on its way the signal meets a large number of amplifiers and converters of light signals into electrical ones. And although the server-routers, which automatically route information flows to less congested channels, do their best to solve this problem, the overall complexity of the system cannot but create some delays.
5. It should be borne in mind that information travels the same way from the server in the opposite direction, moving to the speakers or monitor of another PC or mobile device, overcoming new delays.
It is impossible to "pause" your interlocutor. The sound and video coming from it are not saved in spooled files, but immediately go to the recipient. Therefore, it is not possible to reduce possible signal delays using any software tweaks.