How To Write The Perfect Instagram Post?

How To Write The Perfect Instagram Post?
How To Write The Perfect Instagram Post?

Every day we read many posts on the popular social network Instagram. But why are some forced to stop and read while others pass by?

instagram post
instagram post

What's the ideal post?

With a beautiful photo and useful text? Or maybe the text can be anything, the main thing is a photo?

Everything should be one. First, a beautiful selling photo, and then a meaningful text.


So the ideal post is:

1. Title. Instagram does not have the usual headlines like in newspapers or magazines, but this does not mean that they should not be. People are used to them, they provide brief, up-to-date information, like an annotation for a book or film. Use the 1st line for the title or write it directly on the photo. But the 2nd option is possible only if your blog allows you to use this format, and this post will not stand out from the general background.

2. Paragraphs. Long texts full of water are good in term papers, but not in fasting. Remember, no one likes to read too long texts. Nobody wants to waste their time. Always separate paragraphs with blank lines to make the text easier for the reader to read. Remember Tolstoy's work "War and Peace", how you wanted to skip a couple of pages because of the complexity of the text. In order not to separate paragraphs with different smiles, there are special telegram bots that will do everything for you. The bot will place invisible characters and prevent the lines from going haphazardly.

3. Pronouns. From the very beginning, choose to appeal to your readers. Determine your target audience. Understand what appeal to your subscribers they like more. When you address them with respect in "You" or when you speak to them as close friends in "You". It's best to choose a consistent style and stick to it all the time.

4. Spelling. Of course, now people have become more tolerant, and no longer resent so much when you make innocent typos. But it's still better to double-check the spelling on special sites or in special applications.

5. Short sentences. Do you like writing long, flowery sentences so that you start on one page and end on another? On Instagram, people won't tolerate that. Long sentences should be divided into shorter and more capacious ones. If a person does not have enough breath to read to the end, then the sentence must be shortened.

6. A question for engagement. An old but true trick. Why would subscribers write a comment if there is no question or survey? They read inwardly whether they agreed or not and moved on. And if you are interested in their opinion, they will be happy to share it with you. The principle works: we were asked - we answered. Communicate, engage people in conversation, help them talk.
