How To Make An Interactive Website

How To Make An Interactive Website
How To Make An Interactive Website

Table of contents:


To create interactive websites, a web designer must not only be fluent in HTML and PERL languages and the basics of programming, but also have a certain artistic flair. Despite the fact that today there are many opportunities for creating them, it is always better to make your own website.

How to make an interactive website
How to make an interactive website


Step 1

Describe all interface elements in the form and specify the path to the executable program. If you still find it difficult to do this, use one of the archives of ready-made scripts. After that, all you have to do is to correctly place the elements in the form and specify the parameters for each script.

Step 2

Take care of site administration. You can use third-party programs for this, or, if you store data in a server database, use, for example, MS Access. Pages that can be stored in text files usually contain only site owner information, reference data, or page snippets (server includes).

Step 3

Enter the differentiation of access to the site so that registered visitors who do not belong to the administrator group can only view the pages they need and, if this is implied, make some minor adjustments, participate in polls, post ads, articles, etc.

Step 4

Provide the ability to enter the site for registered and unregistered users. Enter access restrictions if your site has some kind of resource limit or if the information posted on it is not intended for general viewing. The same applies to closed sites (access to which is allowed only with the consent of the administrator).

Step 5

Make sure to also log out of the site so that the system resources of the site are not overloaded. To do this, you can insert a hyperlink or create a special page.

Step 6

Register a domain and order hosting. Obtain the DNS addresses of the servers and enter the domain settings panels in them. Install CMS WordPress (site content control panel).

Step 7

Order or write articles yourself to fill the site with content or create a catalog. Pick up images (if necessary) and upload them via CMS WordPress.
