A password is the strongest data protection that a regular user can use. Sites do not always allow using simple phrases as a pass, and randomly generated ciphers are difficult to remember. Fortunately, there are many ways to quickly and easily come up with an unusual password that is difficult to crack.

Step 1
The most basic way is that you just change the name of the site and add extra characters. For example, the password for the social network VKontakte may look like "vkon1ak1e" or "vKONtakTE". Of course, this is not the most reliable option, but rather original and practical.
Step 2
There is also a more complicated way. First, come up with a set of three or four words. They don't have to be associated with you. For example, it could be elephant, bone, island, and coin. Then you need to define the encryption algorithm. This can be either a regular translation into English, or the removal of all vowels.
Step 3
The easiest way, of course, is to use the first option, but in this case you will end up with a very long password. Better to take the first couple of letters from all words. In this case, it will turn out: "sl", "ko", "os", "mo". Then they need to be arranged in this order to get some word similar to the existing one. In this example, it could be "coosmos".
Step 4
Replace each letter with an English equivalent on your keyboard (you get rjjcvjck) and you can use it as a password. The advantage of this cipher is that it is almost impossible to break it. In addition, for you this is no longer a meaningless set of symbols, but a very understandable algorithm of actions.
Step 5
To make it easier to remember the password, come up with some kind of relationship between the four words. For example, "an elephant was walking around the island and found a coin under a dice." Imagine this picture as vividly as possible and say the phrase several times. Also, to make it easier to remember your password, you can use words that you often use at work or school.
Step 6
There is an easier, but no less effective way. Its essence lies in the fact that you come up with one from a combination of two words and use it as a password. For example, the name Cristiano Ronaldo can be combined as "Cronal". You can transcribe it into English if the site does not allow the use of Russian letters in the password. It will turn out to be Cronal. On the one hand - a simple word, and on the other - a word that is definitely not present in the dictionary of hackers.
Step 7
Pictures as passwords are another unusual form of protection. Unfortunately, the character set of text images is usually quite short. A striking example of such a picture: " or "-O_o-". Many sites prohibit the use of passwords shorter than 6 characters, but you can remedy this situation by adding additional letters or punctuation marks.