Modern technologies are developing by leaps and bounds and the Internet is part of this great process of technological evolution. To secure the work of users on the Internet, we came up with two words familiar to each user of the network: login (username) and password. What it is? How and where to enter it?

Step 1
Come up with a unique username and password
To identify yourself on the Internet, you must have a so-called username (or nickname, from the English "nickname") and a password.
Login is written in Latin letters and should not be repeated with other members of the web resource. This is a rather creative process that requires a lot of effort. most of the names are already taken. A simple solution would be to add the parts of your name with the date of birth, and perhaps the resulting verbal combination will be free. For example, your name is Ivan Viktorovich Karasev and you were born on 1976-12-10. In this case, in order not to forget the future login, you can try the following options:
- KarasevIV1976
- IvanViktorovich1976
- Karasev12101976
And surely some of the above will be free.
The password can be any combination of numbers and Latin letters. Remember your password, or better write it down somewhere and do not show it to anyone.
Step 2
Register a new username
In order to visit popular sites today (for example, "Vkontakte" or "Odnoklassniki") and many others, you need to go through the registration procedure. At first glance, the process may seem complicated, but in fact it is quite trivial.
Find the link on the website with the text "Registration" and follow it. Fill in all the fields in the provided forms. Difficulties may arise with the "Email" (or "Email") field. If you do not have mail, then you will need to create it (using the same username and password) on one of the free mail services, for example, Gmail or
After filling in all the fields, press the confirmation button and follow the instructions of the site to complete the registration.
Step 3
Log in to the site using the generated username and password.
To do this, find the site two fields where you need to enter what you created earlier.