Rules And Procedure For Installing A Barrier In The Courtyard Of A Residential Building

Rules And Procedure For Installing A Barrier In The Courtyard Of A Residential Building
Rules And Procedure For Installing A Barrier In The Courtyard Of A Residential Building

Residents of apartment buildings can apply to install barriers in their homes. To do this, you need to draw up an application, drawn up in accordance with all the rules, and send it to the appropriate authorities. For the review process to go quickly, you must follow all the tips.

Rules and procedure for installing a barrier in the courtyard of a residential building
Rules and procedure for installing a barrier in the courtyard of a residential building


If you decide to install a barrier in your own yard, you must act in stages in the following sequence.

General meeting of owners of premises in the house, at which all the necessary decisions are made and the nuances of the case are discussed;

  • Directly applying for a subsidy
  • Receiving money and installing a barrier
  • Installation and Costs Report.

Once the barrier is in place, tenants can apply for a subsidy to reimburse costs incurred in excess of the costs paid and paid for by the tenants themselves.

Let's consider the process step by step

How to hold a meeting of owners to install a barrier?

The general meeting implies a complete collection of all owners of residential and non-residential premises of the house. If the barrier will block the entrance to the common house area, a full collection from all houses is required.

The decision to install the barrier is made by a general vote of the owners of the apartment building. The final verdict is determined by the total number of votes and shares of the owners who took part in the meeting. At the same time, it is important to have a quorum - if few tenants have come, the results will not be counted.

The meeting is held with the assistance of the district council and district engineering services (GU IS).

Instead of a real general meeting, you can conduct an online survey among the owners. This function is implemented through the "Electronic Home" service. In this case, several conditions must be met for the quorum to be valid:

The survey must be initiated by one of the owners of the premises;

The survey must be attended by at least 50% of individuals who are the owners of the premises;

the survey must be posted on official resources.

Issues for discussion

To make a decision, the initiator must bring up certain issues for discussion. This applies to both a real meeting and an online forum.

It is decided by a majority of votes:

  • Whether or not to install a barrier at the entrance to the courtyard or adjacent territory
  • One or more barriers required
  • Who will be the authorized person in charge of installing barriers in yards
  • Where exactly the barrier will be installed.

The selected authorized person then submits applications on behalf of all residents of the house.

After the end of the meeting or questioning, the responsible owner should have the minutes of the general meeting in his hands. In it, the installation of the barrier, the choice of the location of the barrier, its type and technical characteristics, the decision to apply for a subsidy must be approved by a majority of votes.

With these documents in hand, it is necessary to apply to the Council of Deputies of the municipal district. An application for approval of the installation of the barrier with the attached minutes of the general meeting and the layout of the barrier is submitted to the relevant authorities.

The Council considers the appeal within 30 days, after which it gives permission to install, or sends a reasoned refusal.

With an online survey, the protocol is slightly different. In the "Electronic House" project, instead of the minutes of the general meeting, the results of the survey, printed on paper, should be on hand. They can be received by the initiator of the discussion 5 working days after the end of the voting. To do this, you must contact the administration of the "Electronic Home" service directly. You must have an identity card with you.

How to get a subsidy to install a barrier

The standard subsidy amount is 100 thousand rubles for each barrier. You can get a subsidy if the authorized selected person applies to the District Directorate of Housing and Communal Services and Improvement of the Administrative District with the following documents:

  • an application for a subsidy;
  • the minutes of the general meeting of homeowners, in which the decisions on the installation of the barrier and on the application for a subsidy are recorded (or the results of a survey conducted using the Electronic House system formed on paper);
  • approval of the installation of the barrier by the Council of Municipal Deputies;
  • a draft agreement on the provision of a subsidy signed by an authorized person - in two copies;
  • a copy of the document confirming the powers of the person who signed the draft agreement;

The decision must be made no later than 10 working days after the receipt of the draft agreement. The Directorate will sign and send a copy of the agreement to the authorized person. The subsidy will be transferred to the account of the authorized person within 10 days.

Then, after agreement with the district directorates of housing and communal services and receiving a subsidy, you can proceed with the installation of the barrier, observing the basic principles.

Nuances when installing a barrier

The barrier must be installed at the entrance to the courtyard. At the same time, it is necessary to leave access to the passage of cars of special utilities (ambulance, police, gas, etc.) so that they can safely enter and leave the parking lot. Therefore, there should be guards, commandants or concierges in the house who will open the barrier. Another option is to provide remote control of the barrier by providing special services with automatic electronic key fobs, the prices for which are low.

The barriers are installed within 2 months (not later) from the moment when the subsidy funds are transferred to the current account.

Proof of work must be provided within 1 month after installation. To do this, the authorized person personally submits to the district Directorate of housing and communal services and the improvement of the administrative district an agreement for the installation of fence devices and an act of completed work on the installation of fence devices.

Registration of subsidies for already installed barriers

To reimburse the costs of a barrier that has already been installed, you need to present certain documents. Reimbursement of expenses is possible if the barrier was installed after the entry into force of the decree of the Moscow Government, which approved the amount of the subsidy provided. It's September 30, 2015.

The amount of the compensating subsidy is determined by the date when the barrier was installed. If it was installed earlier than May 24, 2018 - 50 thousand rubles are paid, later - 100 thousand rubles.

To receive a subsidy for an already installed barrier, it is necessary to hold a general meeting of owners. A decision on applying for a subsidy will be adopted by a majority vote, and an authorized and responsible person will be appointed.

You can also conduct an online survey using the Internet service "Electronic House". For the result of the survey to be valid, the following conditions must be met: the initiator of the survey is one of the owners, and more than 50% of the total number of individuals who own premises in the house take part in the survey.

When a meeting or an online survey is held, you can apply for a subsidy to the District Directorate of Housing and Communal Services and Improvement of the Local Area. If the documents are provided in full, funds will be transferred to the current account of the authorized and responsible person within 22 working days from the date of approval of the application. Compensation for the cost will be 50 or 100 thousand rubles.
