PUBG is a game that spares no one, so both beginners and veterans of Action games are equally likely to lose here. And the thing is that this simple game features interesting mechanics. Therefore, the key to victory is to know how to shoot PUBG correctly and coordinate accuracy.

Features of shooting and aiming
RMB key
The most important point is the features of the correct scope. The default aiming is RMB. There are two types of scopes here:
- In the case of a single click, the view will switch to the aiming mode from the 1st person. This will help when working with long distances;
- If you hold down RMB, then you can aim from the third person, as in standard shooters. In this mode, the crosshair will go to the center of the screen, which will allow you to fight at medium and close distances.
In order to improve accuracy and minimize dispersion at medium and long distances, you need to use the SHIFT button. This will allow the character to hold their breath and the crosshair will not jump. But this will start wasting oxygen. If you overexpose SHIFT, the character will choke and stop moving.
B key
Any weapon (pistols is an exception) has several firing modes. Switching is carried out via the B button. Single shooting is good at long distances, but at medium and short distances it is better to switch to a burst.
Varieties of weapons
- Medium and long distance. Most weapons can hit targets from a distance of 100 to 800 meters. But, the further the target is, the more you should shoot in advance. Every 100 meters to the floor of the hull. For example, if the target is at a distance of 800 meters, you need to shoot forward 2 hulls;
- Long-range armament. Long-range machine guns MK14, AWM and M24 can hit the target at a distance of 1.5 kilometers with an eye on the lead in 5 corps. Don't forget about the arc and shoot a little higher than the silhouette's head;
- At the collimator, you can change the illumination through the mouse wheel.
This is a difficult science, but in the game it was simplified and did not make it the main one when shooting. Everything is simple here - when shooting at long distances, you need to aim a little higher than the silhouette. If a person is moving, then you need to shoot a little ahead of him, as in shooters.
The Page Down and Page Up keys can help with this. They help coordinate targeted shooting. Each press changes the value by 100 meters.
Close and medium distances
The best weapons for medium to short range shooting are shotguns and pistols. Some SMGs will also work, including the KRISS Vector or Tommy Gun. The accurate firing range of this weapon is 50 meters. At this distance, you can shoot a player in the head during even the hottest gunfights. The only exception was the revolver, the limit of which is 100 meters. The bullets will then arc downward.