How To Decrypt An Ip Address

How To Decrypt An Ip Address
How To Decrypt An Ip Address

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IP addresses are unique. They are 4 bytes long and are written as four groups of numbers from 0 to 255, separated by dots. Each group designates a network, a group of nodes, and an identifying node.

How to decrypt an ip address
How to decrypt an ip address


Step 1

Look at the first group of numbers on the left. It defines the class of the IP address. There are only five of them. They are designated by the first five letters of the Latin alphabet: A, B, C, D, E. They are distinguished by their numerical value. For class A this is from 1 to 126, for B - from 128 to 191, for C - from 192 to 223, for D - from 224 to 239, and for E - from 240 to 247. Classes differ in the number of digits of network and node numbers, and this affects the width of the range of values. Classes A, B and C are used to send information to individual nodes or over a network of interconnected computers. But such broadcasting is not always necessary. When it is necessary to select a group of nodes that are not part of the general network, class D is used. And the E range is still in reserve.

Step 2

Eliminate the possibility that you are dealing with special IP addresses. These include, for example, those with the first three digits - 127. In this case, the computer receives data from itself, and the information is processed at the sending node. Typically, this address is written for testing purposes. The opposite is IP, which sends data to all nodes on the network and is used for limited broadcasts. In addition, the service address is, Which serves for self-identification of the sender node.

Step 3

Find out if the given IP address is local. These include those whose first two groups of numbers are 192.168. Use them to set up local networks.

Step 4

Check the IP address on any of the specialized internet services. By entering an address or domain, you will receive as much information as possible about who and where it belongs. Do this, for example, on the sites, or

Step 5

Transfer the IP to the domain using special scripts. Such a check is suggested to be done here - If this IP does not match any domain, the service will not provide any information.

Step 6

Use the Network Calculator utility or similar to calculate the IP addresses, which is required when configuring network services. There are many such offers on different sites - for example, you can use, or
