The social network VKontakte is one of the most frequently visited in our country. Most of the site's services are free. However, there are some offers that have to be paid for. For this, the internal currency of the site is used - votes.

Step 1
There are two options for earning VKontakte votes - participating in games, for example, Karos: Beginning. Level 3”,“Forsaken World”,“Rappelz - Level 3”. The applications of the site have access to the software component, so crediting votes to your balance will be completely legal. These games contain lotteries or simple tasks that will result in earning votes. To find similar games, enter the word "voices" in the application section in the search bar of the site. Please note that some games require votes.
Step 2
Victories in contests of special groups "VKontakte". These are mainly photo, video or literary contests. In any case, you need to strictly follow the rules. Come up with an original title for your work. The description should be short, concise and unusual. If votes are given by voting, participate as soon as possible. The closer to the end of the competition deadline, the less chance you have. Try to be original in everything from design to comments. Vote for other works yourself, in response they can vote for you.
Step 3
Sometimes on the social network you can find announcements about the distribution of votes in exchange for a service. For example, you are asked to share a link with your friends, and as a result, votes are translated for you as a fee. It is difficult to give specific recommendations here, because there are no guarantees not to get caught by a swindler. Pay attention to the design of this user's page. Find out what guarantees you will have and what conditions are set by the one who changes the votes.
Step 4
Alternative tools, such as programs and scripts downloaded from third-party sites, are prohibited by the VKontakte administration, because it contradicts the privacy policy of users' personal data. Be careful, because such offers may harm your PC software or lead to the loss of access to your account.