The Internet Is Evil Or Good

The Internet Is Evil Or Good
The Internet Is Evil Or Good

The importance of the Internet in the lives of individual users and large corporations is great, but for many people it is not only a blessing, but also a great evil.

The Internet is evil or good
The Internet is evil or good

The Internet brings people together. In no era in the development of human civilization has there been a means that would so quickly and completely unite people in cities, different countries and even on different continents. From now on, people can find out how users live on the other side of the world with a few mouse clicks. On the Internet, you can view maps, study, communicate, have fun, work. However, all the benefits that this system can only offer to its users can be considered in two aspects - positive and negative.

When the internet is good

A global network that provides users with such a variety of resources as the Internet does, of course, can be considered a great blessing. Today, with the help of the Internet, people not only search and find information of interest to them all over the world, but can also use hundreds of different ways of using the Internet in life. This is the performance of work at a distance, and educational goals, and communication, and entertainment, and science. A huge number of sites appear every day, covering human needs for information in all spheres of life. With the help of a small device - a laptop, netbook or cell phone, a person can get answers to almost all questions. From now on, there is no need to stand in line at bookstores, write letters that reach the addressee for weeks, even visit an office, school, university, if you don't want to.

So many sites, videos, pictures, texts have been created on the Internet, so many scanned literature of past centuries, secret and open documents have been posted in it, and many resources offer communication with such a huge number of people from anywhere in the world that the modern generation can really be considered the most free of all that exist.

When the internet is evil

However, despite all the advantages of using the Internet, people remain human, which means that they have more than just good qualities. Therefore, along with good content, a lot of disgusting things appear on the Internet: sites calling for violence and cruelty, dissemination of information about intolerance or racism, incitement to crime, violence against a person, immoral materials, disrespect towards other people is shown. Perhaps it would be more curious to know that this is not on the Internet at all than to understand that such content is there. The Internet simply reflects what is already in society, is inherent in human nature and from which people have not yet been able to get rid of.

There is another negative side of using the Internet: it contains so much attractive and interesting for a person that sometimes people forget about real life, become addicted to the Internet, spend all their free time in it. Such situations, of course, need to be monitored for yourself, friends and acquaintances. No matter how interesting people on a virtual site are, and no matter how interesting you are with other sources of information, it is important to remember that real close people are much more important, and life is more interesting and richer if it goes not only in front of a monitor screen.