Diamond armor in Minecraft is the best type of armor that is available to the player without using cheats. To create a complete set of armor, you will need twenty-four diamonds. At the initial stages of the game, this is an impressive amount.

Step 1
Diamonds in the Minecraft world can be mined in deep caves. Of course, if you play on a multiplayer server, they (or even armor) can be traded for other less valuable resources. But in a single-player game, this method is closed.
Step 2
The highest concentration of diamond ore reaches between the fifth and twelfth levels. This means that you have to go down to the deepest caves or dig a hole yourself. Diamond ore is generated by small veins of one to five blocks, if you are very lucky you can find a twin vein.
Step 3
The easiest way to find diamonds is by going down into the cave. It is necessary to illuminate all its nooks and crannies (unlit by lava) in the hope of discovering the outcropping of diamonds to the surface. Having obtained all the valuable minerals, you can simply start digging a straight hole at a level between the fifth and twelfth in an arbitrary direction. Sooner or later, you will stumble upon another diamond vein.
Step 4
It should be borne in mind that at this depth there are many lava lakes, which makes diamond mining very dangerous. Just in case, take a couple of buckets of water with you, placing them on the quick access panel, this will allow you to quickly extinguish yourself when you fall into the lava.
Step 5
Diamonds can only be mined with an iron, gold or diamond pickaxe, when you try to break a block of diamond ore with a stone or wooden pickaxe, you will not get anything.
Step 6
After getting enough diamonds, return home or create a workbench in the place where you are. Schemes for creating all sets of armor are shown in the attached picture.

Step 7
The durability of diamond armor is only two or two and a half times higher than the durability of iron armor, so it might make more sense to spend the acquired diamonds on creating tools. Any full set of armor reduces the damage done to the player by five times. In this case, the protective properties proportionally decrease as the armor wears out. This means that full leather armor can be more effective than heavily weathered diamond armor for a period of time until it loses durability.