How To Remove Or Hide Vkontakte Subscribers

How To Remove Or Hide Vkontakte Subscribers
How To Remove Or Hide Vkontakte Subscribers

Already hundreds of millions of people have Vkontakte accounts, where they view a variety of information every day. Vkontakte is a social network with great opportunities. There you can subscribe to any user and follow new news from his life. But sometimes you do not want, for any reason, that this or that person could see your news. Or you want to hide followers from your friends. And it's easy enough to do it!

How to remove or hide Vkontakte subscribers
How to remove or hide Vkontakte subscribers

VK subscribers are users of this network, they see the events of the person they subscribed to. By subscriptions, we mean the pages that you subscribed to. Therefore, in the news feed you see new posts on this page.

Subscribers are those with whom you have rejected friendship. Also, your VK friend, whom you removed from the list of friends, will automatically become it. Naturally, the friends themselves are subscribed to your news.

If you want to completely remove subscribers from your VK page, then you need to resort to this method. Then the remote subscriber will no longer be able to view your news, and your friends will not see it on your page. About the way how to simply hide subscribers without deleting them will be below.

So, log into your Vkontakte page, go to "Subscribers", above the avatar you need, you will find an "x" icon - click it. After that, the user will be blocked and will be on your blacklist. You just have to go to this list and remove all former subscribed people from the list.

Many people do not leave accessible information about themselves on Vkontakte to a minimum. They hide photographs with them, make the wall closed. Naturally, subscribers can also be hidden. But first they need to be transferred to the category of friends.

To do this, confirm your friendship with the subscriber, go to "privacy", go to: "Who can be seen in the list of friends." There it remains to choose the friends who need to be hidden from prying eyes. Don't forget to save your changes! Make sure hidden friends are only visible to you. To do this, the appropriate paragraph must indicate "Only me".

Thus, you can hide Vkontakte subscribers, but only due to the fact that you will not have them. Unfortunately, the VK button has not yet been created, which allows you to hide the block of your subscribers completely, but at the same time so that they still remain in the same status for you.
