Is There Free Hosting For Sites On The Joomla Engine

Is There Free Hosting For Sites On The Joomla Engine
Is There Free Hosting For Sites On The Joomla Engine

The Joomla engine is convenient because it is easy to install on a hosting and has Russian-language versions. However, not every hosting is suitable for this engine, since Joomla requires MySQL databases and a certain amount of disk space.

Joomla site
Joomla site

When choosing a hosting for a site made on CMS Joomla, you should focus on the system requirements of this content management system. To install Joomla, you need a server, so this system works only on hosting with support for PHP version 5.2.4 or higher and MySQL version 5.0.4 or higher.

Is there a free hosting with PHP and MySQL support?

Yes, sometimes. However, it has several disadvantages. Firstly, the provider most likely will not give you any guarantees that your site will work stably 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Secondly, free providers provide limited disk space. Therefore, if your site will develop and fill with voluminous content (photo or video), then the free limit of disk space will only last for a few months.

Free hosting is perfect only for small and non-commercial sites. You can also use it if you want to learn how to install and configure Joomla.

Another disadvantage of most free hosting services is the lack of the ability to use your domain. Usually hosters provide their domain names without the ability to change them.

How to choose a hosting?

The selection of free hosting sites on which you can install CMS Joomla is quite large. All companies have their own terms of providing free disk space. For example, someone will place advertising banners on your site, and someone will block sites that have not been visited for a certain time.

As for the convenience and reliability of hosting, it is very important to choose a hosting with sufficient disk space, otherwise you will not be able to fully use all the features of Joomla. And although the engine itself takes no more than 20 megabytes, it should be borne in mind that a template will be installed on it, and various materials will be added to the finished site. Plus, you will most likely be installing additional functional plugins and scripts. Therefore, the site at the initial stage of its development can occupy 50 megabytes or more. Considering that you always need to have a reserve of disk space, you should choose a hosting where you will be provided with at least 100 megabytes.

Decent hosting can be found from foreign providers. Many foreign companies are ready to offer a free plan user an average of one gigabyte of disk space. However, the interface of your account will be in English, which is not always convenient, especially if you are not very well versed in website administration.
