Today it is already difficult to imagine how for several decades people did without e-mail, which has firmly entered the life of a modern person. E-mail is necessary for doing business, business correspondence, for registering on sites and in social networks, for communicating and transmitting various information: documents, audio, video files, archived documents can be attached to the text of the letter.

Step 1
In 2015, email will celebrate 40 years since its launch. And its founder is the American programmer Ray Tomlinson, who received an order from the United States Department of Defense in the late 70s of the last century for the development of special software - the ARPANET computer network. In the early 60s, the military already began to use modern developments - electronic applications that allow data transfer using computer technology. But these were very short messages. In addition, this feature was available only to users working at different terminals of the same machine.
Step 2
Ray Tomlinson decided to go further and tackle the issue entrusted to him and a group of like-minded colleagues. In 1971, he devoted himself entirely to a new development, which over time turned the whole world upside down. But in the early 1980s, these were just experimental applications. Gradually, Ray Tomlinson supplemented and improved them. First, he came up with a data transfer protocol that was used in the work of only a few employees of the department. And in the last days of November 1975, he managed to send his colleagues a very short, only eight characters deleted message with the text qwertyui. This event became a real breakthrough in computer technology, and the program was named SNDMSG from the phrase Send Message.
Step 3
To receive the letter, the user had to create his own e-mail box in advance to collect information. Initially, it was a text document, at the end of which the user could write his message. Access to this information and the ability to edit it was available only to the creator of the mailbox.
Step 4
Having achieved the solution of the assigned task, the developer continued to improve and supplement the program. So, he started to create an experimental protocol CYPNET, which allowed the exchange of information with users of remote computers on the ARPANET. At that time, she already combined fifteen nodes. The CYPNET project allowed for data transfer, SNDMSG - for information editing. Tomlinson later tweaked both applications and combined them into one common program. To teach the system to identify "our" or "someone else's" addressee, working on the same computer with the connected ARPANET system, it only remained to resolve the issue with the name of the mailbox and its location. After carefully examining the characters on the keyboard, Tomlison suggested using the "dog" - @. After some experimentation, it was possible to correctly redirect the letter to the desired recipient on a "foreign" computer. The problem was solved and over the years has become widespread not only in military developments, but also in civilian life. Later, this novelty, with the participation and refinement of Doug Engelbat, who brought e-mail to a modern form, successfully entered the everyday life of ordinary Internet users. And now for many it is an integral part of their life.