How To Find Out The Speed Of The Internet Connection

How To Find Out The Speed Of The Internet Connection
How To Find Out The Speed Of The Internet Connection

Connection speed is one of the main characteristics of a computer's connection to a network. In order to find out not the declared, but the actual speed, which actually takes place, there are also several simple ways.

How to find out the speed of the Internet connection
How to find out the speed of the Internet connection

Connection speed is one of the main characteristics of a computer's connection to a network. The quality and speed of the connection is primarily influenced by such factors as the width of the dedicated channel of the provider that provides its customers with services for connecting to the Internet, as well as the indicators (resources) of your computer and the rate according to which Internet services are provided. The higher the cost of a package of services that you get from your provider, the faster your computer will connect to the World Wide Web. In order to find out the speed, which is declared, you can simply familiarize yourself with the contract for the provision of services by the provider - usually this parameter is prescribed in the documents. But in order to find out not the declared, but the actual speed, which actually takes place, there are also several simple ways. Any of them can be applied by every owner of a computer connected to the network. The most common of these is to use the so-called "speed test". To do this, you need to visit the site (if suddenly the site is displayed incorrectly, with errors, you must install the latest version of Flash Player on your computer). The site interface is extremely simple. Find and click the "Begin Test" button, after which the test of the speed of the connection to the network will begin immediately. The location of your computer will be automatically determined, and at the very end you will receive statistical information about the connection to the network. Ideally, the actual speed should be as close as possible to that specified in the contract with the provider. Don't forget that computer specifications also affect internet speed. If you are testing the speed at the time of the peak load on the provider's equipment (for example, in the evening), the speed may also be slightly lower. And do not forget to disable anti-virus programs during the scan - they can also distort the test results.
