How To View Site Indexing

How To View Site Indexing
How To View Site Indexing

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The site owner, buyer of the resource, or the advertiser may need to check the indexing of the pages of the resource. After all, both site traffic and its quality in the form of a link donor depend on the number of pages indexed by search engines.

How to view site indexing
How to view site indexing


Step 1

Indexing of pages can be checked using online services or special programs. One of the services for online checking of site indexing is Yandex. Webmaster. For a resource that has been added to Yandex. Webmaster, the system displays the total number of all indexed pages and addresses that are included in the index. To check a third-party site for indexing, it is convenient to use this address

Step 2

To check the indexing of pages in the Google search engine, use the section for resource owners called "Webmaster Tools". There is a special section "Sitemap", it displays the total number of indexed pages. All resource addresses that are included in the Google index can be viewed by downloading the corresponding file from the section.

Step 3

A quick check of the indexed pages is convenient through the Google search bar. In the search bar, enter a construction like this: site: domain name. After that, the search results will display the pages that are currently in the index of the search engine.

Step 4

Checking the indexing of pages using special services is performed both free of charge and for a fee. The most popular and convenient free services for checking the indexing of a resource are, and XSEO. It is worth highlighting among the most practical programs that allow you to quickly check the indexing of pages of several sites at the same time, Page Promoter Platinum and YCCY.

Step 5

Indexing of pages can be checked manually if necessary. To do this, you can use the advanced search in Yandex, tracking additionally the relevance of the page display to the request selected by the webmaster. But manually checking a resource with a large number of sections and pages can take a lot of time, so it is more advisable to choose a program or service that is convenient for you.
