What Is Fake

What Is Fake
What Is Fake

What words can you not find on the vastness of the worldwide network. One of the most common words is "fake", and they use it for any reason. It is not always possible to figure out what the author had in mind when he used this word. And although it does not sound in Russian, it is very expressive, and it is not difficult to understand its meaning.

Fakes Barack Obama VKontakte
Fakes Barack Obama VKontakte

The origin of the word "fake"

The word "fake", like many others, came to us from the English language. Fake means fake, fake. Initially, the word was used exclusively on the Internet, but later its use went beyond the network. Now the word can be heard in ordinary conversations.

In the broadest sense of the word, a fake is any fake thing that they try to pass off as real. Most often these things are related to the Internet or at least just to the youth environment.

There are both spelling "fake" and "fake".

Fakes on the Internet

The most popular type of fake is fake social media accounts. If you enter in the search bar, for example, on VKontakte, any name about which there is an article on Wikipedia, you will immediately see dozens of accounts. If there is no confirmation tick next to the name, then these accounts are probably fake.

Fake accounts can be conducted not only on behalf of famous people. Often they are turned on to participate in discussions or to enter into correspondence with someone without disclosing their real account and real name. Often, for example, profiles of beautiful girls are registered in order to laugh at guys who want to meet them.

There are fake files. For example, a link is given to a video of a movie, but it turns out that another file was downloaded from it. There is a risk of downloading and installing virus files, so be careful when downloading programs.

Fake websites are used for fraudulent purposes. They completely copy the design of the original site and contain a similar address that differs from the real one by 1-2 letters. With the help of fake (also called phishing) sites, scammers can steal passwords from your accounts or even money from bank accounts.

Fakes are photographs and videos made with editing software, but passed off as real. For example, video footage of a person walking across a river or just flying through the air.

Do not confuse the concepts of fake and fail. These are two different things.

Fakes offline

Fake clothes and accessories are often called fakes. For example, clothes with branded logos, but produced locally - handbags, glasses, shoes, etc.

In addition, drugs, food, and anything else can be fake. The word is applicable not only to things. Fakes can be documents, events (which in fact did not exist), and so on. Everything based on deception. But for these concepts there are more precise synonyms, and the word "fake" is still more applicable to the Internet.
