How To Play Minecraft Online With A Friend

How To Play Minecraft Online With A Friend
How To Play Minecraft Online With A Friend

Minecraft is one of the most popular indie PC games. It contains elements of both the sandbox genre and the survival simulator genre.

How to play minecraft online with a friend
How to play minecraft online with a friend

Many members of the Minecraft world are often faced with a rather popular problem. Its essence lies in ignorance of the way to conduct a joint game with a friend. But to resolve this issue, you just need to use one of the methods below.

How to start collaborative Minecraft with a buddy using hamachi?

  1. Install the above software. It is for building a VPN. Installation is required for all devices for further cooperative network play;
  2. Open or form a new room in Hamachi;
  3. Do not fill in the line of the IP server;
  4. Run it;
  5. Send IP to friends to play together.

Action plan for buddies who connect to the server:

  1. Open a room with a server;
  2. Join by IP address from a friend.

How to start a joint game with a friend over a local network?

This method can be actively used by players who, for whatever reason, do not have access to the Internet. An important feature is the need for an Ethernet cable that connects directly to the PC itself.

How to play together with a friend without installing third-party programs?

  1. Open Minecraft;
  2. Start the process of creating a new world;
  3. Select the option "Open the world for the web";
  4. Go to the chat and find the address of your own world. Typically, it looks like this: The ending characters (ie "51278") are different for everyone.
  5. Replace the zeros from the previous sequence with your own IP address. The result is a sequence that is similar to the following:

Steps to follow for Windows:

  1. Open "Start";
  2. In it you need to find the "Control Panel";
  3. Then you need to select the "Network and Sharing Center" tab;
  4. Find the line "Change adapter parameters" and click on it;
  5. Next, open "Local Connection";
  6. Select the "Properties" section;
  7. In the new window that appears, remove the check mark from the "Internet Protocol 6 (TCP / IPv4)" item. Then click on "Properties" and add a check mark to the item "Use the following IP address". After completing this action, you need to register the following information: IP-address -; Subnet mask -; The main gateway is
  8. Then you need to check the box "Apply the following DNS servers". After that, it is worth registering the following parameters: Preferred DNS server -
  9. Then you click on the "OK" button.

It is worth noting that each of the above methods works successfully in both licensed and pirated games. An important aspect is that all players have the same version of Minecraft.
