Currently, the Internet has become available to almost everyone, and now anyone can create a website. If this idea has not spared you either, approach this issue with all responsibility.

Step 1
Select the topic of the site. What will your resource be about? Try to find an original, but the right direction. If this is your first project, it is advisable that you are well versed in the topic. Check out sites with similar topics. Are you ready to compete with them?
Step 2
If you are not thinking about the development of your project yet and are making a website just to try this new business for you, create it about something really interesting for you. But do not make a “website about everything”, “a website for communication” - there are a lot of such projects of novice web-masters on the Internet.
Step 3
Choose a name for the site and register a domain. Do not forget that in addition to the fact that the name should be easy to remember, sound good, reflect the essence of the resource, it should also be reflected in the address. Even if you are going to register a site on free hosting, check if the second level domain is free. This can be done using any whois service. For example, at This check is needed so that in the event of a project's growth, you can without problems. If you plan to immediately buy a second-level domain for your site (this option is preferable - you can immediately get serious about promotion), get ready to pay from 100 to 600 rubles per year.
Step 4
Choose a hosting and engine. Hosting is where your website is hosted. When choosing, pay attention to the ability to connect CGI: Perl, PHP, Python, ASP, Ruby; the size of the allocated space (about 2GB will be enough for a beginner site); the amount of traffic (i.e. visitors) that this hosting can handle.
Step 5
An engine (more precisely, CMS, or Content Management System) is something that will allow you to work on a resource without knowledge of programming languages, post material on it, add comments to it and much, much more by just pressing a few buttons. Choose the engine in accordance with your wishes for the future site. Both engines and hosting sites often allow you to test your functionality for free for some time. Plus, you can always “move”.
Step 6
Create a design for the future site. If you are not familiar with graphic programs, html and css (by the way, you will need to study all this at least superficially), you will have to order the design. There are eminent design studios that create real masterpieces, there are freelance designers who will design you for a modest amount. The only question is about the budget.
Step 7
Find the content (i.e. content) of your site. If you have literary skills, you can write articles yourself. If not, or you have little time for this, hire freelance copywriters. There are a lot of people writing on the network, so there will be no problems here. Please note that the content of the site needs to be updated regularly. The average price for a quality copyright of 1000 characters with spaces is 100-150 rubles.