Advertising on the Internet is one of the cheapest ways to get visitors. There are many different ways to present yourself to potential buyers. True, not everyone understands exactly how such advertising works.

Step 1
First, the target audience of the project is determined. If the product is intended only for married men, then there is no point in paying money to show an ad to little girls. The main keywords are compiled depending on the ad format. For example, "buying an electric motor".
Step 2
Then the site is selected for placement. There are a huge number of different types of advertising. However, the main "advertising agencies" are search engines and social networks. It is there that most of the interested users are collected, which can be distributed according to certain data. For example, in contextual advertising, you can specify specific queries.
Step 3
After that, conversion tracking takes place. That is, the number of users who performed the required action is divided by the number of clicks on the ad. Let's say 15 people out of 1000 clicks on credit advertising left an application. Accordingly, the conversion is 1.5%. By writing multiple advertisements, you can identify the most powerful offers and use them.
Step 4
Next, the type of advertisement is selected. One of the most effective and expensive options is contextual advertising. Prices for it are of an auction nature: the more advertisers in a niche, the more you have to pay. However, the traffic is very high quality, users are interested in the offer.
Step 5
Create an ad campaign on some search network and generate an ad. Specify the requests for which users will see it. For example, "how to overcome laziness." A visitor entering the search results or the website of a network partner will see your ad and, with some probability, will click on it.
Step 6
Targeted ads are ads that are shown to specific users of a social network. Let's say you sell women's nail scissors. In your ad settings, you specify gender, age, and other metrics. Users with these criteria see ads and only then decide whether they need your product. Accordingly, the efficiency here is noticeably lower.
Step 7
Teasers are enticing square images with bold headlines. Traffic is not regulated here in any way, so even users who do not need your product or service can click on the ad. However, due to the cheap price, much more traffic can be purchased.
Step 8
PopUnder, ClickUnder and others are ads that redirect to the advertiser's website without the user's permission. For example, you went to a resource, clicked on an empty part of the screen, and you were sent to a website selling diets. The efficiency is considered one of the lowest.