To form an opinion about Questra World or any other investment-related company, it is not enough to follow the reviews. They can be both positive and negative, but both of them are unlikely to be reasonably reasoned. Therefore, if you want to make a profitable investment, you need to know how to check the company for legality.

Internet research
Today the Internet is oversaturated with earnings offers. These are MLM companies, copywriting exchanges, and investment projects. A choice for every taste. As a rule, having tasted the delights of the work of a networker and realizing that it is actually work, work and more work, many of this area consider investments as passive income.
Passive income is attractive not only for the clan of networkers, but the topic of investment is quite new and incomprehensible for Russian citizens. According to statistics, the number of private investors in the stock market of countries in 2016 represents the following indicators:
- USA - 52%;
- Japan - 39%;
- China - 10%;
- India - less than 1.5%;
- Russia - 0.77%
For a country that claims to be the world's leading financial position, these numbers are deplorable. Therefore, the Russian Government is developing a number of measures to involve the population in the domestic stock market. Of course, this is within the country, and this is not an indicator on a global scale. After all, Russian investors can also invest in foreign funds operating in any markets.
But the trouble is that many Russians either do not perceive the topic of investment at all, considering this a fraud, or, even having lost it many times, continue to "step on the same rake" again and again, that is, rush between several companies, most often HYIPs. This is due to the lack of basic financial literacy.
I must say that being guided by reviews from the Internet is also fraught. Positives, as well as negative ones, can turn out to be false. Even on the example of Questra World, one can conclude that reviews about it are either scraps of incoherent information from different sources, or conclusions drawn from the past (more often negative) experience of citizens.
A bit of history

Many see the catch in the fact that the company Questra Holding suddenly in 2016 began to have a "double name" - Questra World / AGAM (Atlantic Global Asset Management). And there are inconsistencies with the year of education. Some sources say that the holding was founded in 2009, according to the documents of the Spanish register - since 2013.
I must say that both are right. The management itself considers 2009-04-05 to be the founding date of Questra, from that date they became part of the SFG - Group. Its first official office in Madrid had only 12 employees. The basis of income was the collection business on the "toxic" assets of banks, which were in abundance after the crisis of 2008.
Analysts were selected to scrutinize the auctioned companies and their immediate debts. The first transactions were carried out using the personal money of employees, later they began to attract investors from outside. Having earned their first 10 million euros of net profit in less than a year, they continued to competently untwist this initial capital.
They continued to invest the earned money in various financial directions. In 2011, having gained experience and investor confidence, we entered a new stage of our development. Several large insurance, construction, leasing and telecommunication companies become clients of the company. Feeling success, they earn money by supporting promising companies for an IPO.
In 2013, they change their name to Questra Holding and are registered in the British Virgin Islands. This is due to changes in legislation in the European Union, and therefore in Spain, under whose jurisdiction the company was originally registered. In 2014, the management of the fund decides to form an "investor portfolio" for individuals, since up to this point they dealt only with investors - legal entities.
Questra World / AGAM: what is behind the separation of Questra Holding

In 2015, Questra Holding develops into an equity investment fund Atlantic Global Asset Management. The name is very symbolic, because the official office of the foundation is located in the capital of Praia of the island state of Africa called Cape Verde (formerly Cape Verde). The first persons of the foundation live here.
They are President Antonino Vieiro Robalo and Chief Executive Officer Abakumov Andrey Andreevich. However, the name Questra has not "sunk into oblivion", but passed to the advertising broker "Questra World", which has the right to promote the fund's products - investment portfolios. An advertising broker is based on the principle of network marketing, which is convenient for promotion among individuals.
That is, to say today that Questra World is a financial organization is fundamentally wrong. Questra World is an advertisement that pairs with the foundation to promote its services and products. In 2016 and 2017, there was a rapid development and attraction of new investors to the fund, two grandiose conferences were held in Turkey and Dubai.
Which, by the way, is a confirmation that the company is not a pyramid scheme or a hype. In order to hold such an event in the United Arab Emirates, you need to submit an application and documentation for verification at least six months in advance. In this country, the creation and promotion of pyramids is punishable by death.
Questra World not only held a training conference for its advertising agents there, but also opened an advertising broker office legally. It should be noted that the head office of Questra World was located in Madrid, but representative offices gradually began to appear in different countries, of which at the end of 2016 there were already about 80.
The management of the fund very ambitiously announced the capture of the financial market and, in fact, revealed grandiose plans for the future not only to its clients and advertising agents. If until that moment the fund legally operated only in Cape Verde and was serviced through a large African Ecobank, now it was decided to legalize not only the advertising broker, but also the fund itself, creating the prerequisites for opening its own bank.
Long-term fruitful cooperation with Ecobank could not satisfy the growing demands of customers. And this was proved by the test issue of bank cards for clients of the AGAM fund in 2016. The limit was limited to only 25,000 euros per month, when many "old-timers" of the fund already had an investment income of several hundred euros per week.
Has the planned plans been realized

At the last conference in Dubai, those present were announced a plan for the gradual legalization in different countries. Each group of countries is allocated 3 years. That is, first, the registration of a representative office in the form of an advertising broker, expansion of the client base, and then the creation of a banking system. The first group of countries included both Russia and Kazakhstan
An attempt to legalize itself in Europe, and specifically in Germany, met with aggression from the financial regulator and the company was forced to go for restructuring. On September 5, 2017, the Five Winds Asset Management fund, with a pair in the form of an advertising broker Lianora Swiss Consulting, "spun off" from the AGAM fund.
In March 2017, at a conference in Dubai, it was already discussed about restructuring and the development of the Fintech direction. Therefore, the appearance of the second branch of the fund found a logical explanation. AGAM did not disappear, clients from Asian countries went to it in order to legally work in the cryptocurrency market.
FWAM, in turn, has united clients from Europe and the CIS. The fact that the functions of depositing and withdrawing funds will be disabled in AGAM was also officially announced from the lips of the president of the company. This did not bother anyone, since the company really proved itself to be reliable and working strictly in accordance with international legislation.
Moreover, this is a completely understandable measure, since AGAM begins an audit before merging with a Chinese holding. In 2016, clients have already experienced an I / O disconnection when it is necessary to re-register their legal status and split into an independent fund and an advertising broker.
However, the connection of payment systems took a long time. The situation cleared up in April 2018, when an official document appeared - the decision of the Constitutional Court of Cape Verde. This document testifies to the 8-month lawsuit against the AGAM fund and its legal purity. Another conclusion suggests itself here.
Perhaps the management of the fund urgently created another branch in order to withdraw most of the assets from court. 40 countries went to AGAM, and 46 to FWAM. According to the legislation of Cape Verde, the prosecutor has the right to freeze the accounts of the company (but not the clients!) Without trial and investigation and only then "dig" in search of evidence of guilt. No fault was found for the fund, but this slowed down all far-reaching plans of the company.

There are a lot of videos and articles on the Internet stating the facts of alleged fraud, connections with criminals: Pavel Krymov, Stanislav Kravtsov. However, this connection is not confirmed by any official documents. But Wikipedia testifies to some of the company's specific transactions. This is the purchase by the debt fund of the TACV airline in 2016
Where is Questra World / AGAM today

Since the fall of 2017, there have been no accruals for investment portfolios in AGAM, and management companies continued to work in FWAM, bringing in weekly income. However, in the offices of the second branch of the fund, there was also a sluggishness and lack of intelligible answers from technical support.
Active and experienced investors, in spite of everything that happened, did not lose and do not lose courage. And many of the inexperienced have learned a lot during this period. This difficult period in the history of the company showed many of the fund's clients that investments are far from being a freebie. This is also a job, even if the person is not an advertising agent.
After all, only knowledge gives calmness and confidence, when from all sides, taking advantage of a difficult situation in the history of the company, one can only hear and see "the questra has burst," "the questra world pyramid". In fact, whoever is looking for something finds it. It will be useful for every investor to learn how to work with official documents.
Evidence that AGAM is a legal, legitimate Joint Stock Investment Fund is located on the international website, that is, the unified state register of legal entities. Find the country of registration, in this case Cape Verde, and the required company. True, ordering an extract from the state register costs money.
The DENIF declaration (TIN) says that the company is a taxpayer. A resource such as UPIK provides information on an individual unique identification number. In addition to the license, such an organization has a declaration that contains all information about the permitted activities.
And if suddenly something changes, then changes are also made to the constituent documents. Since knowledgeable investors tracked changes about the fund and the advertising broker through the registries, they remained calm. I must say that in two years of restructuring, the company has not closed a single site, the content of which is not cheap.
Moreover, when checking the affiliation, it turns out that the sites are registered to a company (to a legal entity). The most expensive is the maintenance of the server, and here it is separate for each country. Since the site is a property of a legal entity, while it legally exists, then the sites work.
Since no dividends were accrued in AGAM, the advertising broker Questra World was in a "frozen" state. But after a positive decision of the court in favor of the company, it was re-activated in the relevant registry. However, even if the management decides to close Questra World and Lianora Swiss consulting, this does not threaten current and future investors.
After all, they are not financial organizations, and it is not euros that are transferred to the account in the personal accounts of an advertising broker, but the so-called quest points (points or bonuses). Programmers are also positively assessing today what is happening in the depths of the sites. I must say that in the last months of 2018 and at the beginning of 2019, all 4 sites of the company often and for a long time are immersed in technical work.
At the same time, the personal accounts of investors are always available. It is even now possible to buy a portfolio through advertising agents through internal exchange. Many of them are still operating their offices. Broad company presentations are not held as before, but much attention is paid to explaining official documents, how to correctly receive "news" from ill-wishers.
Technical support is always on the alert and notifications when reinvesting and calculating dividends in FWAM come in a timely manner. After the shocks suffered, it seems that the management of the fund intends to continue working in complete silence. Technical support responds that news about the restart of payment systems will appear no earlier than a week in advance.
Therefore, it is too early to say "Questra has missed out", and scam is only possible pyramids or hype, which Questra World / AGAM are not. Only time will tell what lessons the company learned from everything that happened. There will probably no longer be the president's monthly online conferences at which A. V. Robalo openly reported on every step taken and planned.
And in view of his age and poor health, he announced his intention to leave his post 1, 5 years ago. But the fund's investors have high hopes that A. A. Abakumov will not leave his brainchild. The only thing today is not clear whether Atlantic Global and Five Winds will be united again, or they will remain just links of the same chain.