What Do Sites That Pay For Views Make Money On?

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What Do Sites That Pay For Views Make Money On?
What Do Sites That Pay For Views Make Money On?

Customers who pay Internet users to view links on special sites receive benefits in the form of increased traffic to the desired sites, higher ranking of sites in search engines, sometimes in the form of additional votes in online polls and polls.

What do sites that pay for views make money on?
What do sites that pay for views make money on?

Internet surfing

Internet surfing is a type of modern income on the Internet, based on paid viewing of sites, banners and advertising links. Surfing is also called CAP - active advertising systems.

Surfing systems are intermediary sites between customers of this type of work and performers. Surfing profit is the difference between the purchase price of an advertiser's ad and paying a specially hired user to view it.

The customer pays the performers for clicks on the links to the desired sites, which increases the traffic to the customers' sites and promotes them. Website traffic and click-through rates are SEO optimization rankings, i.e. promotion and popularization of the site. Most often, high site traffic is needed to increase the site's ranking in search engines. traffic affects the position of the site in the search results. When ranking sites, search engines take into account site traffic from the search engine, as well as referrals from other sites. Clicks on banners and contextual advertising increase the site's click-through rate, which is also taken into account in the search engine results.

Customers also need an increase in site traffic to increase the prestige of the site, moderation in partner Internet programs, and successful participation in Internet voting.

Increasing site traffic is also used by advertiser customers as part of a marketing strategy based on the likelihood of interest in advertising products by the surf performers themselves.

Types of Paid Internet Views

Surfing systems include the following types of tasks:

- regular browsing of sites and clicks on banners;

- execution of tests and surveys;

- reading letters from advertisers - clicks of letters that come to your mail from an advertiser;

- performing simple tasks on the site - registering, checking transient links, checking the functionality of working buttons, opening electronic wallets, etc.

- tasks on gaming sites.

There are 2 types of surfing:

- automatic, using a special program - quickly follows the links, - manual - involves a visit to view the visited page for at least 30 seconds.

The average pay-per-view on a site is $ 0,0005. Clicks are paid higher. Manual surfing is paid higher than automatic. The most expensive thing is paid for performing certain tasks on the sites.