Aircraft carriers represent a separate class of ships in World of Warships and are represented by two countries: Japan and the United States of America. Aircraft carriers, possessing tremendous striking power, can almost single-handedly decide the outcome of the entire battle. The tactics of playing on an aircraft carrier is fundamentally different from the tactics of playing on other ships, such as destroyers, battleships and cruisers. If we draw an analogy with the game World of Tanks, then an aircraft carrier is a kind of self-propelled guns, but with the ability not only to destroy "exposed" opponents, but also independently conduct reconnaissance and detect the enemy.

How to fly an aircraft carrier in battle
The tactical component of an aircraft carrier is the delivery of long-range airstrikes and the detection of the enemy at the very beginning of the battle. Since the aircraft carrier does not have sufficient artillery weapons, it is pointless to sail ahead of the enemy. It is necessary to position the aircraft carrier as far as possible on the battle map. Although the ship has significant air defense forces, it is better to request cover from allied ships. Fast destroyers, breaking through to your ship, will be able to inflict great damage on it and make it impossible for aircraft to take off from the ship's deck.

Controlling an aircraft carrier as a ship is no different from controlling other ships. Having chosen an aircraft carrier, we switch to the "top" battle mode. We press LMB in the necessary square of the battlefield and freely hit the road. But it is much more efficient to use complex routes for movement. This can confuse the enemy if he detects you. To build a "curved" route for the ship, hold down the Shift key and indicate on the map the points through which the path of the aircraft carrier will pass.
How to fly planes in World of Warships
The main armament of the aircraft carrier is the squadrons located on it. Squadrons are subdivided according to the types of aircraft they carry: fighters, bombers, torpedo bombers.
Torpedo and bombing by airplanes follow a similar principle. There are two modes of attack by bombers and torpedo bombers: automatic and manual.
In automatic mode, after selecting a group of aircraft and pointing LMB at the intended target, they will go to attack the ship. In this case, the dotted line around the target will indicate the zone in which the planes will constantly attack the target. The arrow that appears indicates the direction in which the torpedo bombers will take a course towards the target. The approach course can be changed by right-clicking on the arrow and dragging it around the circle. The stripe that appears indicates the expected course of the torpedoes and their spread. Automatic attack is not only suitable for beginners. If the aircraft carrier is under enemy fire, then this attack option is the fastest.

When attacking in manual mode, it is necessary to select a group of torpedo bombers or bombers and, while holding down the Alt key, select a drop zone. With such an attack, you will be able to take into account the enemy's maneuvers, since during the automatic reset only speed is taken into account and the possibility of maneuvering is not taken into account. Also, with such an attack, it is necessary to calculate the lead-in of the launch of torpedoes or bombs, taking into account the speed of the enemy's movement and the point of arrival of the aircraft on the target.
Fighter control in World of Warships
A group of fighters is used to detect the enemy and to conduct air battles with his aircraft. There are several missions for fighters. In order for the fighters to accompany the allied ships, it is necessary to select a group of fighters and indicate LMB on the ally.
In order for fighters to guard bombers and torpedo bombers, it is necessary to select a group of fighters and indicate the LKP to the allied group of aircraft. In this case, fighters will engage in battle only when the enemy attacks bombers or torpedo bombers.
For direct air combat, select a group of fighters, point LMB at the enemy squadron.